Exciting News………….
Our missional work within Port Glasgow takes a huge step forward!
Seeds for Growth is a Church of Scotland funding project aimed at church growth, reaching out to people who do not belong to an existing church, with particular emphasis on church planting.
As a Church, we have been successful in obtaining a 3-year grant to employ a full time Mission & Outreach Worker who will work primarily with the young folk and the under 40 age group within our church and community. Working alongside the Mission & Outreach worker there will also be a 12-hour admin assistant.
We are entering an exciting and challenging time for our church family as we prayerfully move forward to fill these vacancies enabling and helping more individuals to explore their faith journey and become disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A video of our church commuity and the vacancies is available on Facebook use this link to access the video:- Facebook Video
If you are interested in finding out more about our two vacancies, the links below will take you to the job description and person specification.
Closing date for applications is Friday 28th March 2025